Sunday, November 15, 2015

My new book "Commute"

Dear readers and friends,

I have now on sale at Blurb one of my book projects, "Commute". It is an ongoing project and I am planning a series of books, but here's the first. To find out more and see a small preview, please see below.

Until next time,


Thursday, August 06, 2015

Broken Polaroid cable release wire? Play it again Sam,but you are missing a note.....

My awesome Polaroid Land 340 finally after years suffered the old age malaise of the broken release cable that happens when you close the camera. It does not to all but if they see some frequent use they will at some point snap the cable in two when you close them. I searched the Web for a solution and all I found was that you either modify the release to use a modern release or just buy another one to cannibalise for parts or throw it away. Well I was not happy about that at all and I like keeping my cameras in their original design. So a light bulb went on in my head and I recalled piano wire which is highly tensile and very strong. So, I bought my self some Size 7 (0.018") from Hugh Craig Harpsichords(or here) on EBay and it worked like a charm. I had to break off the release button as it was molded around the original cable,but kept the top which I glued back to a small cogwheel that I then epoxied to the famous red button. To prevent further accidents I cut an empty clean ink tube from a rollerball pen and slid it over the area that is affected by the closing mechanism. And voilá, Land 340 back in action on its beautiful vintage charm.

Until next time, Luis

Monday, August 03, 2015

Pentax SLOMO Test

Today I had to run some errands and bored in the public transport I decided to play with my Pentax MX-1 newly discovered Slow Motion video capability and ability to apply filters onto video (in this case Black and White with a Blue filter). So here's some random video captures in slomo on the street. Shot from the hip, of course, street photography style. Added my own track to it as the silent movie era is long gone. Although the camera only captures slomo in VGA mode (640x480) and only 15s at a time, it's still pretty awesome in terms of image quality (which I hope won't be lost on upload here).

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shadow play

Greetings friends, readers and casual passers-by,

I have finally had some time to shoot for myself today as I am free of responsibilities for most of this week. I took my new Pentax MX-1 and my old Samsung GX20 that has been in the locker for ages, out for some street work, since the sun was out. The light was hard as such I engaged in some shadow play. When the sun is out, life re-emerges and today the streets were bustling. I have been out for 7h which was great, I haven't done so in years with all the other stuff in my life. Anyway, enough about that, here are today's.

Until next time,


Sunday, January 18, 2015

The vintage film Pentax Zoom 280p and Pentax MX-1: What do they have in common? Remote Codes!

Yes, I very recently acquired a Pentax MX-1. Yes, it does not have a viewfinder. And yes, it has a small sensor. Yet it's image quality from the first impressions I have from it, is beyond its apparent small package and this was the selling point for me along with sturdiness and handling. This camera seems to be a great travel and street shooter. I will at some point put it through its paces and write a little review. But I digress a little. The reason why I have made this post was because when I came home with the camera, my vintage charity shop purchased Pentax Zoom 280p that has a remote, popped to mind. It's a great film compact, with a great 28-80 zoom lens, Bulb mode with or without flash and sturdy.  In fact, a great classic film companion to the MX-1. It is in great shape and I bought it for a song (£4). Going straight to the point, it got me thinking about how often do manufacturers change remote codes. Pentax sells two types of remote for the MX-1, one waterproof and one not , the latter very basic. Both are priced at £24.99. So, I set out on a little experiment today and found that the remote works on both cameras with exactly the same functions! The remote of the Zoom 280p has a release button and a zoom button that works perfectly in the same way with the vintage Zoom 280p as well as the modern MX-1. So, save yourself some money if you already have a Zoom 280p and intend to use the MX-1 on a tripod. If you don't have a Zoom 280p, look for one, save yourself some money and get a great compact film camera with the all necessary remote for tripod work with the MX-1. Here's a short video I have made of the experiment:


Until next time,


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Abstraction of time and being

Hello again, dear friends and readers.

It has been a long time since I have posted anything in the Viewfinder. Over the years the Viewfinder has been a place where I could pour my thoughts in what concerns my photography and in this sense it has been almost like a long time companion, by my side for many years, years  in which I have grown as a photographer and in many other ways. While I have found it hard to find time to post and produce work, I have increasingly felt the need to continue to share my thoughts on the art that is photography and my personal experiences and work. As such, although seemingly absent, I was in fact present and always looked back to The Viewfinder with fondness, looking back at how far I have come as well as other things that branched out from it. Also and very importantly, the support, in form of blog views, particularly my equipment reviews which where of help to many and the occasional message of support and/or of appreciation for my musings and work. I have now decided to pick up where I left, although I now have a website which is also in need of attention as well as another blog (also in need of attention). In this time of apparent absence, my life has changed, I have also become a teacher as such, time is in very high demand. Nevertheless, from the first time you pick up a camera with real intent in your life, you are hooked and you will be a photographer for life, no matter what path or paths life takes you. You will always come back to it, if not at least because photography becomes a reflection of you and your path in life. 

But enough about that now, I found some time to shoot a little, with a Kiev 4 and some Fujifilm C200. So, here's my most recent work, some experimental "street abstracts", a mixture of what I love the most, street photography, with an exploration of the technique of long exposures, to express the abstraction of time and being and the fleeting nature of being in the moment, in a place, in a state of mind, or as a mere observer.

In short, the Viewfinder is alive and well and I hope you have enjoyed the photos and I hope to see you back soon!

Until next time,
