Thursday, January 15, 2015

Abstraction of time and being

Hello again, dear friends and readers.

It has been a long time since I have posted anything in the Viewfinder. Over the years the Viewfinder has been a place where I could pour my thoughts in what concerns my photography and in this sense it has been almost like a long time companion, by my side for many years, years  in which I have grown as a photographer and in many other ways. While I have found it hard to find time to post and produce work, I have increasingly felt the need to continue to share my thoughts on the art that is photography and my personal experiences and work. As such, although seemingly absent, I was in fact present and always looked back to The Viewfinder with fondness, looking back at how far I have come as well as other things that branched out from it. Also and very importantly, the support, in form of blog views, particularly my equipment reviews which where of help to many and the occasional message of support and/or of appreciation for my musings and work. I have now decided to pick up where I left, although I now have a website which is also in need of attention as well as another blog (also in need of attention). In this time of apparent absence, my life has changed, I have also become a teacher as such, time is in very high demand. Nevertheless, from the first time you pick up a camera with real intent in your life, you are hooked and you will be a photographer for life, no matter what path or paths life takes you. You will always come back to it, if not at least because photography becomes a reflection of you and your path in life. 

But enough about that now, I found some time to shoot a little, with a Kiev 4 and some Fujifilm C200. So, here's my most recent work, some experimental "street abstracts", a mixture of what I love the most, street photography, with an exploration of the technique of long exposures, to express the abstraction of time and being and the fleeting nature of being in the moment, in a place, in a state of mind, or as a mere observer.

In short, the Viewfinder is alive and well and I hope you have enjoyed the photos and I hope to see you back soon!

Until next time,


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